In Activa World, our vision is to help seniors live a healthy and quality life. Seniors are empowered with knowledge and tools to keep themselves fit and robust - physically, mentally and socially. In Activa World, seniors age well and live well!
Gym Tonic is an evidence- based strength training program for seniors to stay healthy and robust. Activa supports the running of Gym Tonic community sites with qualified trainers and Gym Tonic protocols. Activa is a partner to Lien Foundation, a philanthropic organisation that aims to tackle the root of problems in eldercare
Management consultancy services to set up Gym Tonic operations. Equip Trainers with skills to deliver Gym Tonic program based on a structured training framework. Activa SG is the preferred implementation partner for the Gym Tonic program in Singapore.
Our team develops and conducts wellness programs and workshops at community sites to educate and empower seniors to take charge of their own health and age well. It ranges from fall prevention, food nutrition & resistance band exercises. These workshops are co-developed with a heath science institution in Singapore
This video says it all about Gym Tonic!